“You Still Look Pregnant!” – The Truth About Postpartum ‘Snapbacks’

“You Still Look Pregnant!” Childbirth and motherhood are experiences that words really can’t describe well enough. It’s something you have to be apart of and see to really grasp how monumental it is. Housing a human is one of the most craziest things to go through from the moment conception happens. The changes a womanContinueContinue reading ““You Still Look Pregnant!” – The Truth About Postpartum ‘Snapbacks’”

The Real World of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Experience & Tips As soon as you find out you’re pregnant breastfeeding is automatically pushed on you by doctors. You start hearing “breast is best”, “You’re breastfeeding right?” and let’s not forget the various books and pamphlets you get just to inform you even if you’re not breastfeeding. Not to mention all the newContinueContinue reading “The Real World of Breastfeeding”

Confessions Of A Mother

It’s 1:40am and I’m holding my son who has been crying on and off for about the past 2-3 hours, I don’t even know I’ve lost count tbh. He’s super cranky and won’t let me get much done; I’m typing this on the iPad with one hand, rocking him in the other. I figured I’dContinueContinue reading “Confessions Of A Mother”

Support During Pregnancy

It’s true that at some point in life we all envision how our lives will be. When I was young I wondered how I would look as a teenager, how high school would be, how I would turn out. As I got older I imagined when I would have kids, start a family, get married,ContinueContinue reading “Support During Pregnancy”

Baby Check In – 30 & 33 weeks.

There’s no handbook to pregnancy, I mean honestly there are tons but no specific handbook for each person because well, everyone is different. While some expecting mothers may share similar experiences, symptoms, etc. each woman goes on her own journey. 30 weeks  As I entered my third trimester a few weeks ago, I realized IContinueContinue reading “Baby Check In – 30 & 33 weeks.”

Why Close Relationships May Change During Pregnancy.

While pregnancy is often a different experience for each expecting mother, there are some things that may be similar. One thing I found that a few pregnant women have in common is feeling like people forget about them or rather “fall back” from them in their own way. I’ve experienced this a bit myself withContinueContinue reading “Why Close Relationships May Change During Pregnancy.”

“Discussing Pregnancy with a Mommy To Be” – Sherrie

“Journeying Through Motherhood” Sherrie: A Mother to Be Deciding to create a comfy corner on the blog to fill with exciting advice, experiences, tips, stories, and anything helpful I come across as I journey to childbirth and beyond has been one of my greatest ideas. I’m enjoying reading about other mother’s experience with pregnancy, childbirth,ContinueContinue reading ““Discussing Pregnancy with a Mommy To Be” – Sherrie”

Discussing Motherhood with Katrina

“Journeying Through Motherhood” Katrina: A Mother Deciding to create a comfy corner on the blog to fill with exciting advice, experiences, tips, stories, and anything helpful I come across as I journey to childbirth and beyond has been one of my greatest ideas. This is a place for expectant mothers and mother’s to come andContinueContinue reading “Discussing Motherhood with Katrina”

Bonding With Your Baby While In The Womb

“When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” – Sophia Loren As I progress in my weeks of pregnancy I’ve been looking for ways to bond with my baby while he’s still in the womb. I’ll beContinueContinue reading “Bonding With Your Baby While In The Womb”

Discussing Motherhood with A “Mommy with Attitude”

“Journeying Through Motherhood” Desirae: A Mommy With Attitude Deciding to create a comfy corner on the blog to fill with exciting advice, experiences, tips, stories, and anything helpful I come across as I journey to childbirth and beyond has been one of my greatest ideas. This is a place for expectant mothers and mother’s toContinueContinue reading “Discussing Motherhood with A “Mommy with Attitude””

Is Circumcision The Norm?

Hey guys, Happy New Year and welcome back to the blog! While a New Year is exciting enough a lot of mom to be’s have been finding out the gender of their baby(s) including myself. While pregnancy comes with a lot of questions in itself, finding out the gender brings on even more with someContinueContinue reading “Is Circumcision The Norm?”