Checking Back Into Reality

Hey guys! It’s been quite some time, a few months actually. Nevertheless you guys have still been checking in and reading because we hit close to 46k views. Thank you!! Super exciting stuff. I’ve been wanting to blog and write but I just couldn’t find the motivation and I LOVE writing so this came asContinueContinue reading “Checking Back Into Reality”

“You Still Look Pregnant!” – The Truth About Postpartum ‘Snapbacks’

“You Still Look Pregnant!” Childbirth and motherhood are experiences that words really can’t describe well enough. It’s something you have to be apart of and see to really grasp how monumental it is. Housing a human is one of the most craziest things to go through from the moment conception happens. The changes a womanContinueContinue reading ““You Still Look Pregnant!” – The Truth About Postpartum ‘Snapbacks’”

Bosses & Business – A Sit Down With Perfectly Unbalanced

Creators & Entrepreneurs a closer look into creativity & business. Perfectly Unbalanced: Therapeutic and community based program for adults. Today I had the pleasure of taking a seat with Loren. I met Loren a few years back when we both were interning for Girls Incorporated and working with young girls on life, leadership, preventing adolescentContinueContinue reading “Bosses & Business – A Sit Down With Perfectly Unbalanced”

The Importance of “Me Time” After a Breakup

spending time alone taught me ‘real’ love Most of us have experienced heartbreak, if not consider yourself lucky. It sucks when you build a bond, get to know all of these things about a person and then boom, relationship over. You feel sadness, anger, grief, you go through all the stages of a breakup whichContinueContinue reading “The Importance of “Me Time” After a Breakup”

Can Men Handle an Independent Woman?

Is Dating an Independent Woman Out of The Equation for Men? I don’t think it’s a question of “can” when it comes to men and independent women, instead it’s do men want to? Is there a difference between the way men treat independent and dependent women? In speaking to a woman I know she wasContinueContinue reading “Can Men Handle an Independent Woman?”

“I Thought I Could Change Them.”

Does the saying “you can’t change people” ring true? Often times we hope our efforts change the way someone behaves, thinks, or acts in general. This happens a lot not only in intimate relationships, but personal relationships as well. I’ve been there before, hoping my words of encouragement brought someone out of a depressive mood,ContinueContinue reading ““I Thought I Could Change Them.””

Single Mother vs. Single Woman

Because the world creates a debate out of anything of course there’s a debate on who really deserves to call themselves a “single” mother or parent. The rule I’m seeing is that you can’t be a single mother if your husband, partner, or child’s father is temporarily away, working, or constantly busy. You also can’tContinueContinue reading “Single Mother vs. Single Woman”

The 30 Day $elf Care Challenge

Hey guys, welcome back to the blog. If you’ve been following my journey then you know just how important self-care and self-love are to me. It’s vital that we learn ourselves and better acquaint the person inside of the mirror. Practicing self-care and self-love allows you to identify your needs at a deeper level, whatContinueContinue reading “The 30 Day $elf Care Challenge”

The Real World of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Experience & Tips As soon as you find out you’re pregnant breastfeeding is automatically pushed on you by doctors. You start hearing “breast is best”, “You’re breastfeeding right?” and let’s not forget the various books and pamphlets you get just to inform you even if you’re not breastfeeding. Not to mention all the newContinueContinue reading “The Real World of Breastfeeding”

Breathing Life Into Dead Situations

Letting go is one of the hardest things to do, and years later you can still find yourself holding on to fragments of that relationship. In a past relationship I had to let go, I didn’t want to hold on and then find myself questioning what I was holding on to. We had history butContinueContinue reading “Breathing Life Into Dead Situations”

Confessions Of A Mother

It’s 1:40am and I’m holding my son who has been crying on and off for about the past 2-3 hours, I don’t even know I’ve lost count tbh. He’s super cranky and won’t let me get much done; I’m typing this on the iPad with one hand, rocking him in the other. I figured I’dContinueContinue reading “Confessions Of A Mother”

Don’t Tell Me How I Should I Feel While Growing A Human!

Pregnancy is such a beautiful experience, I gave birth to my son 3 weeks and 2 days ago and I’m still in awe. One thing I’ve noticed is that people hardly discuss the downside of growing a human. I questioned why that was and then found my answer via social media; a lot of womenContinueContinue reading “Don’t Tell Me How I Should I Feel While Growing A Human!”

Birthing Makai

I don’t know about you guys, but I always wondered how pregnancy and labor & delivery was before I even conceived my son. How does it feel? What is it like? etc. I spent majority of my pregnancy using the Glow Nurture app and scrolling through all the community post. My favorite? Birth stories. IContinueContinue reading “Birthing Makai”

What Self-Love Means: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself.

Practicing self-love is not always an easy task. Some don’t know how to love themselves or where to start. You first have to ask yourself, what does loving myself mean to me? It involves learning to accept and be brutally honest with who we are and who we have the potential to be. It requiresContinueContinue reading “What Self-Love Means: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself.”

Support During Pregnancy

It’s true that at some point in life we all envision how our lives will be. When I was young I wondered how I would look as a teenager, how high school would be, how I would turn out. As I got older I imagined when I would have kids, start a family, get married,ContinueContinue reading “Support During Pregnancy”