Checking Back Into Reality

Hey guys! It’s been quite some time, a few months actually. Nevertheless you guys have still been checking in and reading because we hit close to 46k views. Thank you!! Super exciting stuff. I’ve been wanting to blog and write but I just couldn’t find the motivation and I LOVE writing so this came asContinueContinue reading “Checking Back Into Reality”

“You Are What You Think” – Motivation

The power to change things and take control over your life always begins and ends with you. Sometimes motivation is not easily obtained, especially when you fall into a state of depression because in that very moment you often feel like there is no overcoming your adversities. Some people are able to bounce back fromContinueContinue reading ““You Are What You Think” – Motivation”

Keep Yourself Whole And Not Half.

I found my own strength through facing my weaknesses. Without them I would be powerless. WHAT DOES MENTAL HEALTH IN THE AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY LOOK LIKE?  It looks like avoiding discussing your problems because mental health isn’t always understood in general and in the black community its taboo. No one wants to be labeled asContinueContinue reading “Keep Yourself Whole And Not Half.”

What do you do? There are days where people become dark and days where people shut the world out. What do you do when those days become your life, when you’re sitting in your room thinking about all the bad things that have happened and how your life is at a standstill and you feel stuck in aContinueContinue reading “What do you do?”