What Self-Love Means: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself.

Practicing self-love is not always an easy task. Some don’t know how to love themselves or where to start. You first have to ask yourself, what does loving myself mean to me? It involves learning to accept and be brutally honest with who we are and who we have the potential to be. It requiresContinueContinue reading “What Self-Love Means: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself.”

Motivational Monday – Self Care is Important!

 It’s Monday again? Sheesh time is just passing us by isn’t it? But nevertheless it’s Monday so some motivation is coming your way! On todays agenda we have some self-care brewing. Often times we forget how important it is to take a few minutes to ourself to simply let go and be. Today I awokeContinueContinue reading “Motivational Monday – Self Care is Important!”

Why I Dislike the Hair Salon

In one of my previous post I discussed my experiences with Traction Alopecia and I mentioned that I never felt comfortable going into hair salons. To this day I still feel uncomfortable with the idea of stepping into one for the simple fact that the level of ignorance is at an all time high in thisContinueContinue reading “Why I Dislike the Hair Salon”