The Importance of “Me Time” After a Breakup

spending time alone taught me ‘real’ love Most of us have experienced heartbreak, if not consider yourself lucky. It sucks when you build a bond, get to know all of these things about a person and then boom, relationship over. You feel sadness, anger, grief, you go through all the stages of a breakup whichContinueContinue reading “The Importance of “Me Time” After a Breakup”

Can Men Handle an Independent Woman?

Is Dating an Independent Woman Out of The Equation for Men? I don’t think it’s a question of “can” when it comes to men and independent women, instead it’s do men want to? Is there a difference between the way men treat independent and dependent women? In speaking to a woman I know she wasContinueContinue reading “Can Men Handle an Independent Woman?”

“I Thought I Could Change Them.”

Does the saying “you can’t change people” ring true? Often times we hope our efforts change the way someone behaves, thinks, or acts in general. This happens a lot not only in intimate relationships, but personal relationships as well. I’ve been there before, hoping my words of encouragement brought someone out of a depressive mood,ContinueContinue reading ““I Thought I Could Change Them.””

What Self-Love Means: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself.

Practicing self-love is not always an easy task. Some don’t know how to love themselves or where to start. You first have to ask yourself, what does loving myself mean to me? It involves learning to accept and be brutally honest with who we are and who we have the potential to be. It requiresContinueContinue reading “What Self-Love Means: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself.”

Why Do You Attract The Damaged Ones?

I’ve had about three serious relationships throughout my life. As they ended I used to joke that I only attracted men with parental issues until my last relationship ended and I realized it was beginning to be a serious problem. It got to the point where I found myself questioning why this was. Was IContinueContinue reading “Why Do You Attract The Damaged Ones?”

Let’s Talk – Unwanted Advice and Opinions. Hey guys, Happy Friday welcome back to the blog! Today I wanted to chat about a pet peeve I have and that I know some of you have too. Have you ever received some advice or heard an opinion that you really didn’t care for or had someone say something to you that justContinueContinue reading “Let’s Talk – Unwanted Advice and Opinions.”

Relationship Talk: What You Won’t Do Another Person Will? 

Is it true that what you won’t do in a relationship another person will? Hell yeah, there are people waiting for a good man or women to enter their life so they can love and treat them properly. There are people who wish to give others a love they’ve never experienced. BUT… this “what youContinueContinue reading “Relationship Talk: What You Won’t Do Another Person Will? “

Do Titles Ruin Things? Let’s Talk!

Is an official label a big deal? Or am I overreacting? I recall having a conversation before about titles and whether they ruin or complicate things in relationships. More specifically, intimate/romantic ones. Personally, I think when titles don’t come naturally that things are bound to get messy. You ever hear someone say they ruined theirContinueContinue reading “Do Titles Ruin Things? Let’s Talk!”

The “PSE” Effect in Intimate Relationships

All of you must be asking, “What is PSE?” Let’s start with the P first… P “Pride” – a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity,importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.  Pride is good to an extent, you should take pride in your accomplishments but you don’tContinueContinue reading “The “PSE” Effect in Intimate Relationships”