Breathing Life Into Dead Situations

Letting go is one of the hardest things to do, and years later you can still find yourself holding on to fragments of that relationship. In a past relationship I had to let go, I didn’t want to hold on and then find myself questioning what I was holding on to. We had history butContinueContinue reading “Breathing Life Into Dead Situations”

The Ex Baggage

Hey guys welcome back to the blog! I recently posted about why women may be attracting damaged/broken men, but what if women are the ones who are broken in the relationship? Is it the same or is it different? For me, I never realized how broken I was after a break up until I attemptedContinueContinue reading “The Ex Baggage”

Woman To Woman?…Let’s Talk

Given the fact that it’s almost 2018 I think we all know what this “woman to woman” thing is about but for some reason it’s becoming reality a lot as of lately. If not, let me give you a quick run down. “Hello, may I speak to Barbara?.. Barbara, this is Shirley” lol, but no,ContinueContinue reading “Woman To Woman?…Let’s Talk”

The “Ride or Die” Mindset Must DIE! Okay so I’m sure we all have seen or heard about Gucci and Keyshia Ka’oir’s wedding right? If not just hop on social media and I’m sure you will automatically be filled in. First off congrats to them both. Last night a post surfaced on Instagram that I just so happened to come acrossContinueContinue reading “The “Ride or Die” Mindset Must DIE!”

Do Titles Ruin Things? Let’s Talk!

Is an official label a big deal? Or am I overreacting? I recall having a conversation before about titles and whether they ruin or complicate things in relationships. More specifically, intimate/romantic ones. Personally, I think when titles don’t come naturally that things are bound to get messy. You ever hear someone say they ruined theirContinueContinue reading “Do Titles Ruin Things? Let’s Talk!”

I Lost Myself in You I lost myself in… The way your eyes sparkled when you laughed. In the way your voice resonated through my phone when you were miles away. In the way I could never stay mad. I lost myself in you. In your being. In your energy. In your radiation. Was I wrong to giveContinueContinue reading “I Lost Myself in You”

You Can’t Make Homes Out of Human Beings – Suey Park

I recently stumbled upon a post on tumblr that had an excerpt from a piece written by Suey Park and I felt the need to share, this can also be found on her site ( “There’s a poem by Warsan Shire called “For Women Who Are Difficult To Love” that says… you can’t make homes out of humanContinueContinue reading “You Can’t Make Homes Out of Human Beings – Suey Park”

“Dear Woman”

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending an Empowerment Workshop hosted by Michael E. Reid, socially known as “justmike_” or “justmikethepoet”. The workshop was created to accompany his newly released book “Dear Woman” and is a few hours of conversation, inspiration, education, and hope. As it says on his website the event is designed specifically for womenContinueContinue reading ““Dear Woman””


Submerged in my thoughts fighting a demon I never knew was there My thoughts take over and I turn into a different person Angered and outraged eyes ablaze like a fire has been ignited No water no extinguisher no liquid can put out my solid thoughts Maybe they’re permanent Maybe they have a mind ofContinueContinue reading “Submerged”