Can Men Handle an Independent Woman?

Is Dating an Independent Woman Out of The Equation for Men? I don’t think it’s a question of “can” when it comes to men and independent women, instead it’s do men want to? Is there a difference between the way men treat independent and dependent women? In speaking to a woman I know she wasContinueContinue reading “Can Men Handle an Independent Woman?”

The Ex Baggage

Hey guys welcome back to the blog! I recently posted about why women may be attracting damaged/broken men, but what if women are the ones who are broken in the relationship? Is it the same or is it different? For me, I never realized how broken I was after a break up until I attemptedContinueContinue reading “The Ex Baggage”

Working Women Wednesday – “Getting Sultry With Sage”

Hey guys and welcome back to the blog! I wanted to switch things up a bit today and highlight a writer and author I had the pleasure of interviewing. As we know, on Thursday’s I choose to highlight a creative and we get a deeper look into business and creativity but this is a womanContinueContinue reading “Working Women Wednesday – “Getting Sultry With Sage””

And Soon We’ll Be Saying – “Remember that Horrible Year? What Was It Again…?”

Am I only the one or is the fact that it’s December 2nd blowing your mind? This year has really flown by and I think as a whole it’s been very overwhelming for almost everyone. Now I won’t generalize but from being on social media and having different conversations, 2017 has been a disaster forContinueContinue reading “And Soon We’ll Be Saying – “Remember that Horrible Year? What Was It Again…?””

The Key To My Brothers Heart – Kennedy’s Reign (a snippet)

Hey guys and welcome back to the blog! I am so very excited to announce and present to you guys a snippet of my up and coming book. Yes that’s right another book. But this one is different and has nothing to do with my personal life this time around, but you will be introducedContinueContinue reading “The Key To My Brothers Heart – Kennedy’s Reign (a snippet)”

#HurtBae: Putting Up With Cheating? Why is it that when a man cheats and a woman finds out the question becomes “why didn’t you just leave?” The question should be “Why did he cheat to begin with?” Often times men get a pat on the back when they are young and can’t commit. This video is saddening to watch,ContinueContinue reading “#HurtBae: Putting Up With Cheating?”

The Pieces Have Fallen

The Pieces Have Fallen      Breyana I’jae The pieces have fallen Each time I attempt to stitch them back together I find that my hands won’t move and my fingers won’t cooperate. Yet again I’m the only one attempting to put them back together as if “together” never existed. As they hit the floorContinueContinue reading “The Pieces Have Fallen”

Woman to Woman: Is it Your Intuition or Insecurities?

Ladies, you know that feeling you get when something just isn’t right, a feeling that causes you to react almost immediately. You start your research, tell your girls to put on their investigator hats and go incognito mode? Yup, there’s nothing more powerful than a woman’s intuition. For many of us we’ve used our intuitionContinueContinue reading “Woman to Woman: Is it Your Intuition or Insecurities?”

Would You Take The Risk on Love?

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.” What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? If asked this question some people will say or think something sexual, some will think back to when they faced their biggest fears or climbed the highestContinueContinue reading “Would You Take The Risk on Love?”

Dear Men, is Hair Really That Important?

So I’m scrolling through Instagram a little while ago and came across this picture on my explore page. The guy who posted it expressed his sentiments saying the guy wasn’t wrong in a nutshell and that although the woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her hair, making the decision without consultingContinueContinue reading “Dear Men, is Hair Really That Important?”

Do Titles Ruin Things? Let’s Talk!

Is an official label a big deal? Or am I overreacting? I recall having a conversation before about titles and whether they ruin or complicate things in relationships. More specifically, intimate/romantic ones. Personally, I think when titles don’t come naturally that things are bound to get messy. You ever hear someone say they ruined theirContinueContinue reading “Do Titles Ruin Things? Let’s Talk!”

CelibriTEA Sunday: Future’s Future?

Future’s Future? The rapper Future has been on the rise with his latest music and I think we all can admit, that although we have no idea what he’s talking about half the time, his music is hot. From March Madness to DS2 and What a Time To Be Alive with Drake, I can’tContinueContinue reading “CelibriTEA Sunday: Future’s Future?”

CelebriTEA Sunday – “Guess Who”

Guess Who? Every time I turn around there’s a male R&B artist who seems to ALWAYS be in the news. Can you guys guess who? This artist can never seem to catch a break and ever since his domestic violence case the media has set out to ruin everything he does. Now, there areContinueContinue reading “CelebriTEA Sunday – “Guess Who””

Latex = Safe Sex for Your Body and Mind

“People love to talk about how to avoid STIs of the physical kind, but nobody likes to talk about the STIs that can destroy your mind.” – Daysha edewi This video embodies everything I have been talking about these past few months regarding sexual intercourse. Often times people don’t look at the bigger picture ofContinueContinue reading “Latex = Safe Sex for Your Body and Mind”