The 30 Day $elf Care Challenge

Hey guys, welcome back to the blog. If you’ve been following my journey then you know just how important self-care and self-love are to me. It’s vital that we learn ourselves and better acquaint the person inside of the mirror. Practicing self-care and self-love allows you to identify your needs at a deeper level, whatContinueContinue reading “The 30 Day $elf Care Challenge”

Breathing Life Into Dead Situations

Letting go is one of the hardest things to do, and years later you can still find yourself holding on to fragments of that relationship. In a past relationship I had to let go, I didn’t want to hold on and then find myself questioning what I was holding on to. We had history butContinueContinue reading “Breathing Life Into Dead Situations”

What Self-Love Means: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself.

Practicing self-love is not always an easy task. Some don’t know how to love themselves or where to start. You first have to ask yourself, what does loving myself mean to me? It involves learning to accept and be brutally honest with who we are and who we have the potential to be. It requiresContinueContinue reading “What Self-Love Means: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself.”

Getting Artsy With Shelia

Each Thursday (who am I kidding, it can be on any day), we get a closer look into creativity and business; I will be sharing a mix of 13 small business, brands, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and creators while highlighting and sharing an interview with one. Today I had the pleasure of taking a virtual seat withContinueContinue reading “Getting Artsy With Shelia”

Taking a Virtual Seat With Jasmin

Hey guys and welcome back to the blog! Today I had to stop through and share an interview I had the pleasure to do with blogger and poet, Jasmin Marie. Creators & Entrepreneurs a closer look into creativity & business. Me: First and foremost thanks for having a virtual seat with me! You’re a creator, youContinueContinue reading “Taking a Virtual Seat With Jasmin”

Why Do You Attract The Damaged Ones?

I’ve had about three serious relationships throughout my life. As they ended I used to joke that I only attracted men with parental issues until my last relationship ended and I realized it was beginning to be a serious problem. It got to the point where I found myself questioning why this was. Was IContinueContinue reading “Why Do You Attract The Damaged Ones?”

Work Harder Wednesdays!

Hey guys and welcome back to the blog! Today is that mid week check point. A time to check in on those goals and to motivate yourself to go harder. I usually would like to highlight a person today that I see going hard but I’d like to switch it up and highlight my ownContinueContinue reading “Work Harder Wednesdays!”

#HurtBae: Putting Up With Cheating? Why is it that when a man cheats and a woman finds out the question becomes “why didn’t you just leave?” The question should be “Why did he cheat to begin with?” Often times men get a pat on the back when they are young and can’t commit. This video is saddening to watch,ContinueContinue reading “#HurtBae: Putting Up With Cheating?”

The Pieces Have Fallen

The Pieces Have Fallen      Breyana I’jae The pieces have fallen Each time I attempt to stitch them back together I find that my hands won’t move and my fingers won’t cooperate. Yet again I’m the only one attempting to put them back together as if “together” never existed. As they hit the floorContinueContinue reading “The Pieces Have Fallen”

Would You Take The Risk on Love?

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.” What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? If asked this question some people will say or think something sexual, some will think back to when they faced their biggest fears or climbed the highestContinueContinue reading “Would You Take The Risk on Love?”

Motivational Monday – Self Care is Important!

 It’s Monday again? Sheesh time is just passing us by isn’t it? But nevertheless it’s Monday so some motivation is coming your way! On todays agenda we have some self-care brewing. Often times we forget how important it is to take a few minutes to ourself to simply let go and be. Today I awokeContinueContinue reading “Motivational Monday – Self Care is Important!”

Behind The Books

Welcome back, and Happy Wednesday! If you have been keeping up with my blog then you know about these mysterious books that I keep mentioning. Well these books are mysterious no longer. I am pleased and blessed to let you all know my first two self-published books are ready for pre-order! Now I know you’reContinueContinue reading “Behind The Books”


The #OwnYourBeautiful hashtag was a campaign created for Instagram by myself, , teenytinyella, livebytheafro, and simonepaddick. We all wanted to use our social media platform to promote loving yourself. The idea behind the campaign was to have users turn their biggest insecurity into their most beautiful attribute. The rules were to post a photo explaining their insecurityContinueContinue reading “#OwnYourBeautiful”

I Will Not…Because I Deserve

  I have been at a great place in life lately. Working on myself and basking in the happiness and positivity that the universe has thrown my way. I have been through so many emotions over the year and I feel like towards the end I am finally leveling out and things are starting toContinueContinue reading “I Will Not…Because I Deserve”

My Body is Not a Place to Kill Time I write what I feel, and feel what I write. I often have second thoughts about what I choose to share on my blog and wonder if I’m sharing too much. Granted, my business is my business but some things I share because I know others can relate. This piece was very personal toContinueContinue reading “My Body is Not a Place to Kill Time”