Bosses & Business – A Sit Down With Perfectly Unbalanced

Creators & Entrepreneurs a closer look into creativity & business. Perfectly Unbalanced: Therapeutic and community based program for adults. Today I had the pleasure of taking a seat with Loren. I met Loren a few years back when we both were interning for Girls Incorporated and working with young girls on life, leadership, preventing adolescentContinueContinue reading “Bosses & Business – A Sit Down With Perfectly Unbalanced”

Behind The Scenes with Reid

Each Thursday (who am I kidding, it can be on any day), we get a closer look into creativity and business; I will be sharing a mix of 13 small business, brands, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and creators while highlighting and sharing an interview with one. Today I had the pleasure of taking a virtual seat withContinueContinue reading “Behind The Scenes with Reid”

Getting Artsy With Shelia

Each Thursday (who am I kidding, it can be on any day), we get a closer look into creativity and business; I will be sharing a mix of 13 small business, brands, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and creators while highlighting and sharing an interview with one. Today I had the pleasure of taking a virtual seat withContinueContinue reading “Getting Artsy With Shelia”

Creators & Entrepreneurs – a closer look into creativity and business with T. Valentine

Hey guys and welcome back to the blog! Today I had to stop through and share an interview I had the pleasure to do with female entrepreneur and salon owner, Tianna Valentine. Me and Ms. Valentine had the opportunity to chat about her experiences with owning a business at a young age and here’s whatContinueContinue reading “Creators & Entrepreneurs – a closer look into creativity and business with T. Valentine”