Bosses & Business – A Sit Down With Perfectly Unbalanced

Creators & Entrepreneurs a closer look into creativity & business. Perfectly Unbalanced: Therapeutic and community based program for adults. Today I had the pleasure of taking a seat with Loren. I met Loren a few years back when we both were interning for Girls Incorporated and working with young girls on life, leadership, preventing adolescentContinueContinue reading “Bosses & Business – A Sit Down With Perfectly Unbalanced”

The 30 Day $elf Care Challenge

Hey guys, welcome back to the blog. If you’ve been following my journey then you know just how important self-care and self-love are to me. It’s vital that we learn ourselves and better acquaint the person inside of the mirror. Practicing self-care and self-love allows you to identify your needs at a deeper level, whatContinueContinue reading “The 30 Day $elf Care Challenge”

Work Harder Wednesdays!

Hey guys and welcome back to the blog! Today is that mid week check point. A time to check in on those goals and to motivate yourself to go harder. I usually would like to highlight a person today that I see going hard but I’d like to switch it up and highlight my ownContinueContinue reading “Work Harder Wednesdays!”

I Will Not…Because I Deserve

  I have been at a great place in life lately. Working on myself and basking in the happiness and positivity that the universe has thrown my way. I have been through so many emotions over the year and I feel like towards the end I am finally leveling out and things are starting toContinueContinue reading “I Will Not…Because I Deserve”